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Growing timber insurance

0330 828 1108

We're here to help with your specialist growing timber insurance

Time, labour, money, and maintenance – a lot goes into growing timber. With this comes many risks and challenges, but many standard insurance policies don't offer the right cover, which means your assets are not protected if the worst happened. 

Having a specialist growing timber insurance policy tailored to you and your business is essential.

For trees being grown for future sale, our growing timber insurance can cover:

  • fire damage
  • storm damage
  • property owner's liability
  • management felling
  • landslips
  • site clearance
  • firefighting costs
  • damage to felled timber
  • damage to walls, gates, and fences.

What our growing timber insurance experts can do for you

We've been growing timber insurance through our long established Growing Timber facility for many years. You can be assured that you're in safe hands when arranging your specialist forestry insurance. 

We understand the challenges you face; we find ways to manage your risks and arrange cover to protect your business.

Get in touch with our farming insurance experts