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Milton Keynes colleagues make social impact

21 November 2022

At Marsh Commercial, we help our clients and communities thrive, and what better way to do this than giving up our time to support charity and local community events. Our team in Milton Keynes are delighted to have supported not one, but two such initiatives in their community.

Milton Keynes team help clean up local canal

The Inland Waterways Association are a crucial part of Milton Keynes landscape and community life. In fact, every year more than ten million of us visit Britain’s waterways to fish, cycle or walk the towpath, observe wildlife or boat along the UK’s canals and navigable rivers.1

The Buckinghamshire Canal Society at Milton Keynes were reconstructing a section of tow path that had become damaged, painting a new set of lock gates and associated metal work, as well as dredging a section of the yard. Our commercial and corporate colleagues in Milton Keynes jumped at the chance to volunteer and provide some essential support.

Colleague supports charity mentorship programme

Pritesh Patel, Account Manager in our Milton Keynes office has taken on another role as a mentor as part of a scheme with our chosen charity Ambitious about Autism, who champion the rights and create opportunities for autistic children and young people. Speaking about her mentorship, Pritesh said:

“It has been great working with individuals from Ambitious about Autism from the ground up: firstly holding space and understanding desires and goals, then breaking them down to manageable achievable steps. Working together with this meaningful charity has truly been eye opening for me. Not only is it a chance to serve and give back, it is a chance to channel my skills, fulfilling my life purpose in the support of others. Together we are stronger!”



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